2.0 Mattress Moving Bags

2.0 Mattress Moving Bags

Twin / Single Mattress Moving Bag 2.0 mil poly
Mattress Bags & Covers

Twin / Single Mattress Moving Bag | 2.0 mil poly

Moving Boxes Online
Made of a heavy-grade 2.0 mm. polyethylene plastic Perfect for an added protection against dust and dirt Two separate bags will be necessary if you are moving or storing a mattress and a box spring This bag does not include a zip close, but you can easily tape the open end shut with some tape The twin size mattress bag is designed to work with extra...
Full / Double Mattress Moving Bag 2.0 mil poly
Mattress Bags & Covers

Full / Double Mattress Moving Bag | 2.0 mil poly

Moving Boxes Online
Made of a heavy-grade 2.0 mm. polyethylene plastic Perfect for an added protection against dust and dirt Two separate bags will be necessary if you are moving or storing a mattress and a box spring This bag does not include a zip close, but you can easily tape the open end shut with some tape The full mattress bag is the right size for a double bed
Queen Mattress Moving Bag 2.0 mil poly
Mattress Bags & Covers

Queen Mattress Moving Bag | 2.0 mil poly

Moving Boxes Online
Made of a heavy-grade 2.0 mm. polyethylene plastic Perfect for an added protection against dust and dirt Two separate bags will be necessary if you are moving or storing a mattress and a box spring This bag does not include a zip close, but you can easily tape the open end shut with some tape Sturdy enough to protect Queen Mattresses
King Mattress Moving Bag 2.0 mil poly
Mattress Bags & Covers

King Mattress Moving Bag | 2.0 mil poly

Moving Boxes Online
Made of a heavy-grade 2.0 mm. polyethylene plastic Perfect for an added protection against dust and dirt Two separate bags will be necessary if you are moving or storing a mattress and a box spring This bag does not include a zip close, but you can easily tape the open end shut with some tape Sturdy enough to protect King Mattresses
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