Newsprint Paper

Packing paper is one of the simplest packing material; it is widely used to wrap glasses, plates, metal figures, collectibles and other items. You can combine several paper sheets to increase the thickness of a packaging and item protection as a result. Paper itself is strong, durable material, in the case it is dry. By using more newsprint paper and building layers around the item will increase the cushioning features. It is also cheap compared to other packing material. For a better result use newsprint for a smaller items and combine packing paper with another materials such as moving boxes or bubble wrap.

Newsprint Packing Paper 15 Lbs (225 Sheets)
Newsprint Paper

Newsprint Packing Paper | 15 Lbs (225 Sheets)

Moving Boxes Online
Clean, white, acid-free and ink-free newsprint Can be used to fill empty spaces and prevent items from shifting Keeps your belongings clean and safe Literally perfect for wrapping anything
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