Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack With A few Plates In Foam Poaches
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack With Foam Poaches
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack With Plates In Foam Poaches
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack and foam poaches With A few Plates
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack Foam Poaches Sizes
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack With A few Plates In Foam Poaches
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack With Foam Poaches
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack With Plates In Foam Poaches
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack and foam poaches With A few Plates
Complete Protection Set For Dishes E-Z Pack Foam Poaches Sizes

Complete Protection Set For Dishes | E-Z Pack

In Stock
  • All-Inclusive dish papcking solution (1 x Box, 32 x Pouches and 1 x Separator)
  • Perfect fit for a variety of plates
  • EZ handling technology


Complete protection set for dishes is the all-inclusive solutions for packing your fragile tableware. In the set included: 1x - Dish / Glass Packing Box, 8x - 12” x 12”, 16x - 9” x 9” and 8 - 7” x 7” foam pouches, which you can use for saucer, dinner or salad plates. For bowls or any bigger plates, we recommend considering buying a bubble wrap as it would give you more space coverage. The dish box cardboard separator provides 360 protection by creating a double wall construction inside of the box, that means you will not damage the content if you accidentally dent or shake the box.


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